Thursday, March 01, 2007

snow day

Yes, I got the call minutes before leaving my house that the office is closed today. WooHoo! I was just getting my coat on and thinking..."I can go four-wheeling in my jeep to work!". Well, I was thinking that. Anyway...

So, you know what that means....the sewing project(s) that are in my closet are going to get some attention today. I have to keep busy or I will go nuts. My movies usually keep me company by I need to be busy with my hands, so I am going to start the "May" project. For those of you who don't know, I like (in the past) to sew.

I have a custom-sized quilt wall hanging set-up in the hallway of my house. I have made previous wall hangings and I change them out with the month or the season. Well...I have more that need to be made and I have been avoiding them like the plague. But, since I am home today, guess what! I think that I will cut one of them out and maybe, just maybe, get my sewing machine out as well and start sewing it together. Now, don't get excited. These feelings might just pass me by and I will forget about the whole darn thing.

So, there you have it. This is how I am going to spend my "snow day" from work. Someone save me from myself, please!!!! :)

*giggling because I am a strange and usual person*

i get one too! did you have power? we lost power for a few hours this morning. it sucked. the boys came in the room and wouldn't stop horsing around. i wish we had light at the time, they could have gone elsewhere and played.

we have power now, and they are somewhat occupied. for now. ;o)
I have power but the snow is sticking to the window screens and i can't see outside unless i stand on a chair. this is so much fun!

i bet you are having a blast with the kids. just think, when the snow stops, you can send them outside for awhile and watch the play in the snow.

well, i am almost done with making the "may" quilt top project. i am actually enjoying myself today. who knew?

anyway...i am glad that you have power back. that would be a complete bummer if you have to sit in the house all day without power. i shudder to think of the insanity on that one.

i have been watching my movies and they just aren't cutting it with entertainment value right now. i put in the second season of M*A*S*H. that should hold me for a while. keep you fingers crossed that i don't go insane. ;)
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